
Tap into unused potential! Installing Solar in common area spaces such as clubhouse rooftops can yeild much more energy bill savings for your association than you might think.

Reduce Costs
Increase Revenue

Increase your association's financial stability. Not only will you decrease your energy bills when you go solar, it's possible for you to increase your revenue for years to come! Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC) allow you to earn credits for the excess energy your system produces that you can sell to large power companies.

Government Incentives

The Investment Tax Credit (ITC), also known as the Federal Solar Tax Credit, allows you to deduct 26% of most of the costs of the build from your federal taxes. You may qualify for utilizing part or all of the ITC towards the immediate costs of the system. This rate will decrease to 22% next year and 10% the following year, so take full advantage now!

Qualifies for standard MACRS depreciation for 5 years.

Success Story: PHCA

In 2018, Palmyra Harbor Condominium Association was paying over $105,000 per year to power it's clubhouse and pool and had seen a significant trend in rising energy costs that they felt was likely to continue. They decided that going solar was the practical solution. In 2019, they contracted us to design and build a 200 panel system on their clubhouse rooftop.

After only 2 years, they have saved over $115,000 in electric costs and have earned close to $35,000 in SREC revenue and their initial investment has been estimated to be completely recovered. Future cost savings are expected to be at least $50,000 per year, and SREC revenue is expected to be at least $30,000 per year, which means an increased cashflow of approximately $80,000 per year!

Comprehensive Services

System Design

We design custom systems for your specific needs and we utilize the latest software and technologies to assure the optimal output and operation of your system


We have in-house, certified Solar Engineers design and submit all photovoltaic plans to assure that there are no unexpected electrical issues with your system.

Approvals & Permits

We write and submit all permits and approvals for you including the PTO (Permission to Operate). Our experience allows us to alleviate complications during the process.

System Build

Our solutions are built by fully tenured, skilled electricians that follow the "approved by you" engineered plans, safety procedures and quality control.

Maintenance & Warranties

Proper maintenance is important for keeping system performance at it's peak and increasing system longevity! DelVal Solar designs custom maintenance plans tailored specifically to the special requirements of your system. Services include cleaning, inspections and repairs.

25 Year Equipment Warranty
1 Year Labor Warranty

From design, to permits, to building and maintenance, DelVal Solar has the expertise to create and maintain the optimal photovoltaic solution for your Condo Association. Don't wait for government incentives to be reduced or run out!


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(609) 313-4093

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